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G spot augmentation (G Shot) and Orgasm Vaccine (o-Shot) is an application to increase sexual pleasure in women. It can also be called orgasm vaccine among the people. In recent years, the demand for these applications has increased with the increase in women's awareness of themselves and their discovery of sexuality. Now, women apply to the doctor with complaints of inability to orgasm, ejaculation and sexual reluctance, increasing their awareness of their own self. Although the underlying cause of sexual problems in women is false beliefs in the subconscious, organic problems can also cause sexual problems in women.  Apart from psychotherapy, some medical interventions can also solve the problems of ejaculation and orgasm in women. In this vaccine, it is a procedure applied to solve sexual problems in women.


What is G Spot? Where to Find?

The G spot is located 4-5 cm inside and above the entrance of the vagina. and its width is 1-2 cm. There is a dense neural network in this area and is considered an erogenous zone. Stimulation of this area makes it easier for the woman to have an orgasm.  The G Spot is also called the female prostate. Because there are Skene glands in the area where the G-spot is. With the stimulation of the G-spot, more secretions are released from the Skene glands, and this allows the woman to ejaculate just like in men.

The ideal position for the G-spot is the woman on top. In this position, the contact of the penis with the G point is more and the woman gets more pleasure. Another method to feel the G-spot better is to have intercourse when the bladder is full, that is, when there is a feeling of urination. The G spot becomes clear when there is a feeling of urine, and the woman enjoys more and orgasm more easily.

Devices that stimulate the G-spot can also be used to facilitate orgasm in women. By stimulating the G spot with stimulating tools such as a vibrator, the woman's ejaculation and orgasm can be facilitated, or when men stimulate the G spot with their finger or vibrator, the woman will get more pleasure.



How is G Spot Augmentation Performed?

G spot augmentation is a painless and easy application that can be done in the office environment. Filling materials used for the face and lips are also used for G Shot. Today, the procedure is performed by enlarging the G spot with long-acting hyaluronic acid fillers or fat injection. The patient does not feel pain after the procedure and can return to his normal life immediately.

G spot filling is applied under local anesthesia and takes about 15 minutes. In the G-shot process, it takes seconds to deliver the filling material. The main trick in this process is to give the filling material to the right place.


What Does G Spot Augmentation Do?

G spot augmentation is used to enlarge the G spot 2-4 times, which increases sexual pleasure in women.

G spot augmentation has been applied for about 10 years. In women whose stimulation decreases over time,  G spot augmentation is performed to increase pleasure, to facilitate orgasm and ejaculation of the woman..

G-spot is not the only point that provides sexual pleasure in women. The vagina entrance, cervix and clitoris are other areas that provide sexual satisfaction and orgasm in women. In order to increase sexual pleasure in women, operations such as vaginal tightening and clitoris aesthetics are also performed. Because we know that in our society, almost 80% of women have the problem of not being able to orgasm or ejaculation.


When Does G Shot  Effect Start? How Long Does It Last?

G spot augmentation surgeryThe effect starts the next day and the effect lasts for 6-12 months. One of the most important factors that determine how long the effect of G spot augmentation surgery will last is the structure of the filler. The effect of orgasm vaccine made with long-acting filling material will last longer than short-acting fillers. In addition, G spot augmentation can be performed together with other genital aesthetic operations. The G spot can be enlarged simultaneously with labiaplasty (inner lip aesthetics) or vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening surgery). Thanks to these practices, both the self-confidence of the woman increases and the pleasure she receives during intercourse increases.

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