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High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins necessary for the functioning of biological activities in our body. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is not stored in the body, unlike other vitamins, as it dissolves in water. Excess is excreted from the body. It is not a vitamin produced in the human body. We need to get Vitamin C from the outside through our daily diet. Vitamin C, which should be taken into the body daily with food, is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.
Much higher doses of Vitamin C than can be taken intravenously orally can be given slowly as an infusion into the body. By determining the needs and disease status of the person, high-dose Vitamin C can be applied in the serum.


What Are the Benefits of High-Dose Vitamin C?

What Are the Benefits of High-Dose Vitamin C?

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and plays an important role in scavenging free radicals in the body.

  • It contributes positively to the immune system and supports the immune system to be strong.

  • It has an important place in the formation, protection and regeneration of tissues such as bone, skin and blood vessels.

  • Supports the elimination of iron deficiency by facilitating the absorption of iron mineral from the intestines.

  • It is necessary for the repair and development of all tissues in the body.

  • It has an effective role in accelerating wound healing.

What is High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy?

It is a treatment method that can be used by healthy individuals because of its strong antioxidant effect, its contribution to the protection and regeneration of tissues and cells, and its immune system-strengthening effects. Apart from this, it is given for support in the treatment of the following diseases. Patients should never give up their planned treatment for their chronic disease. These diseases;

  • Supportive treatment in cancer patients

  • arthritis disease

  • bacterial infections

  • Viral infections (including covid infections)

  • wound healing

  • Lack of energy in the body and constant fatigue

  • Anorexia

  • Recurrent prostate gland inflammation

  • chronic urinary tract infections

  • Metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, stroke): All conditions that cause vascular endothelial damage

  • Treatment of gout

  • Hypertension treatment

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