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In case the inner labia minora (labia minora) are drooping, large and asymmetrical, in order to reduce them with technical surgical methods, and to give them a symmetrical and beautiful appearance, it is experienced in this field. It is the surgical intervention performed by the specialist.

This subject has been seen as taboo all over the world, but it continues to disrupt women's daily life comfort and sexual life. It is a condition that can cause pain and pain during intercourse.

The situation is the same in our country. Labiaplasty is "aesthetic operation of inner and outer genital lips".

It is at the forefront of genital aesthetic surgeries in our country and all over the world. When applied with the right technique, it provides many benefits not only aesthetically but also functionally.

The problems that occur in women who need labiaplasty are generally;

  • Shame and loss of self-confidence

  • Disturbance in body image

  • Pain due to stretching during sexual intercourse, feeling of pain

  • Inability to feel during sexual intercourse (especially if the clitoris is covered with too much skin)

  • Chronic local irritation

  • Frequent vaginal infection

  • Hygiene problems during menstruation and after toilet needs

  • Sweating, odor and infection problems after exercise like fitness

  • Rubbing while wearing tight pants

  • Recognizing the genital area from the outside when tights are worn

  • Discomfort when walking, cycling and sitting

Where is LABIOPLASTY done?

Labiaplasty is performed in our clinic, under hygienic surgical conditions, under local anesthesia in a period of 45-60 minutes, by our specialist doctor, equipped with the necessary technological equipment, paying attention to patient privacy and patient rights.

You can also come for a check-up by making an appointment with our clinic and improve your quality of life. 



Can labiaplasty be applied to sexually inactive women?

Since the hymen is located inside the vagina, it is not damaged during the procedure, the procedure is suitable for people who are not sexually active.

Is there an age limit for labiaplasty? 

It can be applied to adult women of all ages who are over 18, married or single, have given birth or not.


Will there be sagging of the inner lips after labiaplasty? 

After the intervention, tissue growth and sagging are not seen in the area where excess tissue is removed.


What is Barbie Vagina in Labiaplasty?

It is the name of the appearance obtained by shortening the inner lips as much as possible in labiaplasty. Clitoral Hudoplasty is also performed and, if necessary, oil injection is also applied to the large lips, resulting in a more sexy appearance. It is an appearance created by combined procedures. Thus, the large lips will completely cover the inner lips, and a cleft will appear as a 'venus cleft' in between.


Does labiaplasty affect sexual pleasure?

With the increase in self-confidence it creates, it also positively affects the concentration during sexual intercourse. In parallel, the sense of pleasure increases and the orgasm function becomes easier.

Clitoral Hudoplasty

The skin tissue covering the clitoris is called the 'clitoral hud'. Clitoral hudoplasty, by removing skin folds on the clitoris; Thus, it is an operation that aims to remove wrinkles in the upper clitoris area and to give this area a more aesthetic appearance. It is also known as 'clitoris aesthetics' among the people.

Clitoral hudoplasty is often performed during 'labiaplasty' aesthetic surgeries. Sometimes, it can be requested as a second operation after only the inner lip surgery (labiaplasty) in people who do not have enough aesthetic satisfaction.

Does clitoral hudoplasty negatively affect sexual pleasure?

NO. In fact, with the increased self-confidence in patients after genital aesthetic surgery, pleasure from sexuality increases and reaching orgasm may become easier. Labiaplasty operations can be performed by many gynecologists and plastic surgeons today. However, due to the anatomical features of the region, the number of surgeons who have experience in clitoris region aesthetics is much less. Our experienced specialist doctor has become experienced in the surgical operations he has done so far and uses all his experience for you.

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