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NTD HEALTH SERVICE. LMT. Company (“NTD KLINIK”, “Company” or “We”), as Data Controller, we take utmost care to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and to process your data in accordance with the legislation while performing the services we provide.

In this context, this Website Cookie Clarification Text, which has been prepared in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (referred to as "Law" or "KVKK"), is presented in order to inform You as the original owner of your data and to remind you of your rights. Please read before transferring your Personal/Private Personal Data to our Company.

AXA Sigorta A.Ş. We may opt out of using the cookies we use on our site or add new cookies to our site. Therefore, we reserve the right to change the provisions of this cookie policy at any time. Any changes made on the current cookie policy will become effective once they are published on the site or in any public media. You can find the last update date at the beginning of the text.

As explained in this clarification text, your personal data and sensitive personal data can be recorded, archived, updated, transferred, classified within the scope of the relevant legislation, and processed in the ways listed in the KVKK and relevant legislation.

Information on the Law on the Protection of Personal Data

In the processing of personal data, we would like to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and inform you about the Law that regulates the obligations of natural and legal persons processing personal data and the procedures and principles to be followed.

Some Terms in the Law

The concepts of personal data, special quality personal data, data processing and data controller used in this Clarification Text are used in accordance with the definitions made in the KVKK, and these definitions are expressed as follows;

  • Personal data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

  • Special categories of personal data: Data related to the race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise and dress, membership to associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric data. and genetic data

  • Data controller: The natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system.
      Title: NTD SAĞLIK HİZ. LMT. STI.
      Address: Merkez Kuledibi mah. 130 st. no:7 floors:6 flats:26 HOPA/ARTVİN Türkiye
      Trade Registry Number: 968145   Customer Service: 05424022444
      Email Address:

  • Data processor: The natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, based on the authority given by the data controller.

  • Relevant person: Natural person whose personal data is processed

  • Processing of personal data: Obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available personal data by fully or partially automatic or non-automatic means provided that it is a part of any data recording system, All kinds of operations performed on data such as classification or prevention of use

  • Explicit consent: Consent about a specific subject, based on information and expressed with free will

Lighting Notice; It can be fulfilled verbally, in writing, by using physical or electronic media such as a call center, by the "Data Controller" or the Real / Legal Person authorized by him. As NTD KLINIK, we fulfill our obligation to inform with this text. As the data controller, we keep all kinds of personal data shared by you by complying with the relevant legislation and by taking all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for your personal data. You can get more information from our authorities by calling our Customer Service Center at 05424022444.

A- Which Personal Data Are Processed by Us?

Within the scope of the relationship we will establish depending on the nature of the products and services you will receive from our company; Personal data that differs depending on the type, nature, history of the relationship between the Company and the person concerned, the method of data collection and the following purposes and are processed in accordance with the principles of the Law and our Company's Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy, in general, including but not limited to the following: like this:

  • Identity Information: Name, surname, T.C. identity number, passport number, place of birth, date of birth, gender, marital status, spouse/child information, citizenship status, nationality information,

  • Visual recordings: Photo

  • Contact Information: Along with contact information such as address, e-mail, registered e-mail address, mobile phone, fixed telephone and fax number, communication records within the scope of telephone calls, video calls and e-mail correspondence, other audio and video data,

  • Online Service Data: Customer information, IP addresses, passwords and passwords required for accessing electronic insurance channels, location information processed for purposes such as security applications used in these channels and fulfillment of legal obligations, and biometric data processed based on the consent of the persons concerned, shopping history information, survey, cookie records, data obtained through campaign work, in line with the permission of other real persons who may be

  • Insurance and Finance Data: Pricing produced by our Company, customer information, uniform numbers for the products and services the customer purchases from our Company, credit reference numbers, credit card numbers, account numbers, IBAN, detailed and all kinds of financial data regarding collection and payment activities,

  • Your Education, Work and Professional Life Information: Occupation, title, working information, educational background, CV information

  • Camera and Entry - Exit Records: Data such as entry-exit records and camera images of employees and visits in order to ensure physical security in the places belonging to our company and our subsidiaries,

  • Health Data: Your health data, as detailed in the "D- Personal Data Processing Purposes and Legal Reasons" heading of this Clarification Text, if the relevant product is required within the scope of the insurance contract relationship between you and our company,

B- For What Purpose Is Your Personal Data Processed?

As NTD KLINIK, we use cookies for various purposes on our site and process your personal data through these cookies. These purposes are mainly:

  • To perform the basic functions necessary for the operation of the Site.


  • Analyzing the Site and increasing the performance of the Site.


  • To increase the functionality of the Site and to provide ease of use.


  • To perform personalization, targeting and advertising activities.


Provided that your Personal/Private Personal Data is necessary in the processes of performing the services to be provided to you, for the purpose of health services, sales, statistics, pricing, planning and execution of operations for customer satisfaction, promotion, advertising and marketing activities that we provide within the scope of insurance legislation and Turkish Commercial Code. can be processed.

C- Personal Data Collection Method

Personal/private personal data belonging to the parties of health services; It is compiled from databases that are authorized by public institutions to fulfill obligations arising directly from you and insurance contracts through our agents, internet applications and call center.

Your Personal Data is processed only for the purpose of carrying out insurance activities within the framework of the Law and other legislation and limited to the legal periods required for this purpose. Personal/Private Personal Data is not shared with any third party, institution or organization, except for a legal obligation or your express consent under this contract. Your data is not sold under any circumstances. This information is provided in the following two ways.

I. Information Provided by You

The information you provide to us through our website, online applications, our agents and/or call centers or by other means such as e-mail, fax, is received and recorded by us. The information obtained in this way is the information you provide to us with your fully express consent. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is correct and complete. Do not provide false, misleading or incomplete information. Providing false, misleading or incomplete information or statements may affect the usefulness of the health service you request, our Company's responsibilities to you, and service-based insurance compensation claims. In such a case, our Company does not accept any responsibility. If our Company suffers a loss due to your incorrect, misleading or incomplete information, it is your responsibility to compensate for this loss. You have the opportunity to review and update the information you have provided to our company.

ii. Information from Other Sources

It is the information obtained from the data sources made available to us by legal regulations by public institutions so that your health service can be effective on time and your contact information can be kept up-to-date. Our company gives you the opportunity to review and update your information provided by other sources.

D- Personal Data Processing Purposes and Legal Reasons

Your personal data obtained by our company is processed for the following purposes and legal reasons, primarily to provide you with safe, effective and quality service:

Your personal data obtained by our company is processed for the following purposes and legal reasons, primarily to provide you with safe, effective and quality service:

Our Processing Purposes

Legal reasons

• Recognition of the customer, identification and confirmation processes,

• It is mandatory for the company to fulfill its legal obligations,
• expressly stipulated in laws
• Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right
• In case of explicit consent

• Fulfillment, execution, development of health services and related transactions, execution of operational processes, compliance with internal systems, risk monitoring and information obligations,

• It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
• It is necessary to process data for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

• Fulfillment of remote inspection activities,

• It is mandatory for the company to fulfill its legal obligations,
• Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right
• It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
• It is necessary to process data for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

• Realization of marketing and sales activities,

• It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
• It is necessary to process data for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

Your personal data is obtained in all kinds of verbal, written, visual and electronic media so that the above-mentioned purposes and insurance services can be provided within the determined legal framework and in this context, NTD KLINIK can fully and duly fulfill its contractual and legal obligations. The legal reason for the collection of your personal data is the provisions of KVKK and other legal regulations. Your personal data by AXA Sigorta is subject to the 5/1 of KVKK. In case you have your explicit consent pursuant to Article 5 of the KVKK. It is processed by automatic and non-automatic methods based on legal reasons.

6/1 of KVKK. Special categories of personal data can be processed in case of explicit consent. Your sensitive personal data may be processed by AXA Sigorta with your explicit consent. 6/3 of KVKK. Personal data related to health and sexual life, for the purpose of protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality. may be processed without his explicit consent. In this context, 6/3 of KVKK. Personal data other than health and sexual life may be processed without seeking the explicit consent of the person concerned, in cases stipulated by law. Your personal data other than health and sexual life may be processed by AXA Sigorta in cases stipulated by the laws.

In addition, 6/3 of KVKK. In accordance with the article, your health and sexual life personal health data can be processed for the purposes of protecting public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing.

To Whom and For What Purpose Do We Transfer Your E-Personal Data?

We would like to point out that, as NTD KLINIK, we never share your personal data with unauthorized third parties or make it accessible for our own benefit. It is possible to share your personal data with third parties and institutions for the purposes listed below, by ensuring that all necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to ensure the appropriate level of security in accordance with the KVKK and other relevant legislation, when required by the legislation and permitted by you. The third parties with whom we may share your Personal Data and the reasons for sharing are as follows:

Transferred Persons/Organizations

Our Transfer Purposes

• We may share personal data with our business partners.

• We may transfer your personal data to the parties with which we have business partnerships while carrying out our commercial activities within the scope of the performance of the obligations arising from the contract.

• We may share personal data with our suppliers.

• Within the scope of our Company's commercial activities, we may share your personal data with the parties providing services to our Company, in line with our Company's data processing purposes and instructions.

• We can share personal data with authorized public institutions and organizations at home and abroad.

• T.C. If requested by authorized public institutions, especially the Ministry of Health and Social Security Institution, we may share your personal data in order to fulfill our legal obligations.

• We may share personal data with Affiliates and Affiliates.

• Limited personal data may be transferred for the purpose of conducting commercial activities that require the participation of affiliates. • In accordance with the Law, without prejudice to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Relevant Person, especially if the Company has a legitimate interest in sharing the data or if it requires the performance of a relevant contract, AXA Hayat ve Emeklilik A.Ş. We may transfer your personal data to direct or indirect subsidiaries.

• We can share personal data with Domestic and Foreign Group Companies.

• In accordance with the Law, we may transfer your personal data to our Group Companies in Turkey and abroad, especially if the Company has a legitimate interest in sharing the data or if it requires the performance of a relevant contract, without harming the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Relevant Person.

In addition, your personal data, especially your personal data within the scope of camera recordings, may be transferred to judicial authorities or relevant law enforcement authorities in case of resolving legal disputes or upon request as per the relevant legislation.

Cookies Used on Our Site

Below you can find the different types of cookies we use on our site. Our site uses both first-party cookies (first-party cookies are defined by the website you are visiting and can only be read by this site.) and third-party cookies (placed by servers other than the site you are visiting).

Mandatory Cookies

The use of certain cookies is mandatory for our site to function properly. For example, authentication cookies, which are activated when you log in to our site, ensure that your active session continues when you switch from one page to another on our site.



Session Cookies ASP.NET Session ID

It is stored throughout the user's session.

Authentication Cookies .WebAuth

It is stored throughout the user's session.

Functionality and Preference Cookies

These cookies allow you to personalize the services offered on our site by remembering your preferences and choices on the site.



Last Visit and Activity Cookie_UserRegistration :

2 years

Last Visit and Movement Cookie_ClientType :

2 years

Last Visit and Movement Cookie_LastClientAction :

2 years

Last Visit and Movement Cookie_DimensionId :

2 years

Last Visit and Activity Cookie_UserLastLoginDate :

2 years

Last Visit and Movement Cookie_UserType :

2 years

Last Visit and Movement Values:

1 year

spUID Insider userID Usage Period:



Web Push permission communication is kept between 45 days and 720 days according to the response of the User.

custom segment cookies

1 year


During the user's session


Keeping the transition from Cookie to Local Storage version Duration: 1 Year


Dummy Cookie to control cookie support Duration: 1 Year


Storing user email indefinitely


Insider userID update version Duration: 10 Years


It assigns cokkie for the edits shown. Duration: 14 days. It may change based on the plot.

user segments

Determines the edit to be shown Indefinite


Visit date Indefinitely


User Location Indefinitely


User IP Address Indefinitely


Permitted User Information Indefinitely


Web Push Status Information Indefinitely


Web server client id For the duration of the user's session


used as cookie first party in Client's domain Duration: 3 Years

Gdyn - hit.gemius

used as cookie third party (gemius domain) Duration: 3 Years

gstorage and gaddstorage

used in local storage( Duration: 3 Years


User's session ID During the Session Duration

Last Visit and Movement Cookie_LastClientAction :

2 years


Cloudflare ID Duration: 1 Year


Web push receive cookie. Duration: 1 Day


Native web push permission screen display. According to the user's response, it is kept between 45 days and 720 days.


It provides control of the push request.


It is checked whether the user id is updated. Duration: 10 Years


It is checked whether there is a SpUID update on the partner domain. Duration: 10 Years

Social Media Cookies

These cookies allow the collection of information about your use of social media. For example, cookies can be used to use the information of your Facebook/Twitter accounts to create personalized ads or conduct market research.




It is held for 180 days.


It is held for 180 days.

Performance and Analytics Cookies

Thanks to these cookies, we can improve the services we provide to you by analyzing your use of our site and the performance of our site. For example, thanks to these cookies, we can detect which pages our visitors view the most, whether our site is working properly and possible problems.



Google Analytics

Such cookies enable the collection of all statistical data, thereby improving the presentation and use of the Site. By adding social statistics and interest data to these statistics, Google helps us better understand users.

Our site uses Google Analytics cookies. The data collected with the said cookies are transferred to Google servers in the USA and the said data is stored in accordance with Google's data protection principles. To learn more about Google's analytical data processing activities and policies on personal data protection, click here you can click. (_ga) is held for 180 days. The maximum retention period is 720 days.

Such cookies enable the collection of all statistical data, thereby improving the presentation and use of the Site. By adding social statistics and interest data to these statistics, Google helps us better understand users.

Our site uses Google Analytics cookies. The data collected with the said cookies are transferred to Google servers in the USA and the said data is stored in accordance with Google's data protection principles. You can click here to learn more about Google's analytical data processing activities and policies on personal data protection. (_ga) is held for 180 days. The maximum retention period is 720 days.

Targeting or advertising cookies

We use cookies to promote products and services to you on our site or in channels other than our site. In addition, we may cooperate with some of our business partners to advertise and promote you within or outside of our site. For example, cookies can be used to track whether you clicked on an ad you saw on our site, and if you benefited from the service on the site to which the ad was directed after the ad attracted your attention.



Google Analytics _gac:

180 Days

AdWords Remarketing

It is held for 540 days.

How Can I Control the Use of Cookies?


You have the opportunity to customize your preferences regarding cookies by changing the settings of your browser.


Google AdWords

Google Analytics

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox



During the user's session


F- How Do We Use, Protect Your Information and Get Your Approvals?

All kinds of information exchange over our website and mobile applications is provided by being encrypted with the help of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. For this reason, the information provided cannot be seen by other people on the internet. This protection is not effective for information sent via e-mail.

The information we obtain regarding users is kept confidential to the extent of the care we show for our own trade secrets, and all necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to ensure the appropriate level of security to prevent unlawful processing or access.

By visiting this website or downloading and/or using the mobile application, the user consents to the processing of personal and sensitive personal data, and to transfer them to the country or abroad, provided that it is within the framework of the principles, conditions and procedures determined by the legislation on the protection of personal data.

G-What Are Your Rights Before the Law as the “Relevant Person” whose Personal Data is Processed?

You have the following rights under the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698:

·  a) You can learn whether your data is processed or not,

·  b) If your data has been processed, you can request information,

·  c) You can learn the purpose of processing your data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,

·  ç) You can get information about the third parties to whom your data is transferred in the country / abroad,

·  d) If your data is incomplete / incorrectly processed, you can request correction of your data,

·  e) You can request the deletion or destruction of your data (*),

·  f) You may request that the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) above be notified to the third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

·  g) If a result arises against you due to the analysis of your data exclusively by automated systems, you can object to this result,

·  ğ) If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your data, you can request the compensation of your damage,

(*) We have legal obligations regarding the storage of documents/data regarding the transactions we carry out with you. If you request the deletion or destruction of your Personal/Private Personal data, we may be able to fulfill your request at the end of the period determined within the scope of legal obligations.

If you would like more information about your personal data, you can contact our call center (0850) 250 99 99 or can send an e-mail to  

H- Data Security and Right to Apply

Your personal data is meticulously protected within technical and administrative possibilities, and necessary security measures are provided at a level appropriate to possible risks, taking into account technological possibilities.

Your requests within the scope of KVKK, by filling out the "Application Form under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" on the website;

  • Assembly Mebusan Cad. No:15 34433 Salipazarı, Beyoğlu, Istanbul, TURKEY can be delivered in person,

  • You can send it through a notary,

  • address, with a secure electronic or mobile signature, via your registered e-mail address or your e-mail address registered in our system.

If your application for these purposes requires an additional cost, you may have to pay the fee in the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Your requests in your application will be finalized as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request.

* Our Company will update this information when there is any change in the personal data inventory work.

NTD CLINIC Health viz. Lmt. Sti.

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